Third Division

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to invest in high-quality real estate assets, regardless of their financial status. That's why we specialize in fractional real estate investment, making it possible for young and first-time investors to build diversified portfolios with as little as 1% ownership.

brown concrete building under blue sky during daytime
brown concrete building under blue sky during daytime

Our Vision

We are democratizing real estate investment, unlocking opportunities for individuals worldwide to participate in lucrative real estate markets. We're committed to revolutionizing the industry through innovative tokenization, allowing investors to access premium properties in some of the most exciting new destinations around the globe.

Our Properties

Currently, Third Division Real Estate is expanding its portfolio in Panama, Argentina, Uruguay, and Spain – destinations known for their vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and thriving real estate markets. Whether you're dreaming of owning a beachfront property in Uruguay or a luxury apartment in the heart of Barcelona, we have opportunities that cater to your investment goals.

a tall white building with balconies and balconies
a tall white building with balconies and balconies


Why Us?

  1. Accessibility: We make real estate investment accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial means. With fractional ownership options starting at just 1%, you can start building your portfolio today.

  2. Diversification: We help first-time investors build diversified portfolios, reducing risk and maximizing returns. Our properties span different regions and asset classes, offering opportunities for growth and stability.

  3. Innovation: We're at the forefront of real estate innovation, leveraging blockchain technology to tokenize properties and streamline investment processes. Our secure platform ensures transparency and efficiency at every step.

  4. Expertise: With years of experience in the real estate industry, our team of experts is dedicated to guiding you through the investment journey. From property selection to portfolio management, we're here to help you make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals.

a large building with a curved roof and a blue sky in the background
a large building with a curved roof and a blue sky in the background

Contact Third Division

white high rise building
white high rise building